$10 will be automatically sent to your selected missionary at the end of the tournament.
$15 will be put into a pool and distributed to the missionaries in the following manner:
Of the pooled funds...
the 1st Place bracket missionary will earn 1/2,
the 2nd Place bracket missionary will earn 1/4,
the 3rd Place bracket missionary will earn 1/8,
and the remaining 1/8 will be split evenly among the other selected missionaries.
If you would like to donate to the pooled funds without entering a bracket, you may do so here: Donate.
*A missionary can only win one of the top three prizes. (e.g. if the first and second place brackets are both designated for the same missionary, then the next different winning missionary will receive the 2nd place prize.)
*Winnings will be distributed to the missionaries' ministry accounts at the conclusion of the tournament.
For more info please reach out to
To receive notifications about bracket due dates and results!