2024 Results
In 2024, March Madness For Missions
raised $5,275.00
for Free Will Baptist Missionaries.*

*And every cent of it went to Missions!
We ran two separate challenges,
a $25 challenge for individuals and a $100 challenge for Youth Groups and Christian Schools!
Here are this year's winners:
Individual Bracket Winners:
First Place Missionary:
North American Ministries
Ed & Rachel Goode
Champaign, IL

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Bracket filled out by 
Ken Cash
Tippett's Chapel FWB Church
Clayton, NC

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Second Place Missionary:
International Missions
Jonathan & Michelle Chereau
Nantes, France

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Bracket filled out for free by Jonathan himself!
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Third Place Missionary:
International Missions
Matt & Cristina Price
St. Nazaire, France

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Bracket filled out for free by Matt himself!
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Youth Group Bracket Winners:
First Place Missionary:
International Missions
Sam & Lauren Riggs
Alpedrete, Spain

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Bracket filled out by 
Jacksonville Christian Academy
Jacksonville, NC

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Second Place Missionary:
North American Ministries
Stephen & Lauren Kimbrell
Irvine, CA

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Bracket filled out by
New Bern Christian Academy
New Bern, NC

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Third Place Missionary:
International Missions
Bradley & Madison Mercer
International Students

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Bracket filled out by Tippett's Chapel FWB Church Youth Group
Clayton, NC

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An additional $471.25 was split between the remaining missionaries
who were selected!

Every missionary also received
$10 per Individual Bracket and
$40 per Youth Group Bracket 
that was designated to them!

177 individuals from 87 churches in 28 states
and 4 foreign countries participated!

We look forward to raising even more for missions and would love to have you participate next year as well!


To receive notifications about bracket due dates and results!

Thank you for supporting
Free Will Baptist